The NAIP strategic partnership organised a staff training week in Reykjavík, 4-8 April 2016, hosted by Iceland Academy of the Arts (IAA). Staff from Prince Claus Conservatoire (PCC), Royal Conservatoire in The Hague (KC) and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helskinki, as well as staff and students from Iceland Academy of the Arts participated in this event.
Philip Curtis (PCC) lead the week, which focused on creative music workshops with dementia patients. Students and staff visited the daycare centre Fríðuhús for people with dementia, and held two workshops with residents. The workshops were focused on improvisation and active participation of the residents.
In addition to the creative music workshops, the staff training week also included discussions, seminars and an open lecture about Music & Dementia. The discussions were focused around learning about the NAIP Modules Music & Dementia, which are taught at PCC in Groningen and KC in The Hague.
Pictures by Þorgerður Edda Hall, published with permission of participants at Fríðuhús: