The next upcoming event in the NAIP Strategic Partnership is a staff training workshop, hosted by Iceland Academy of the Arts 4-8 april, where teachers from the participating institutions will meet and explore the module on Music and Dementia, which is currently being taught at Prince Claus Conservatoire in Groningen and the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague.
The workshop will be facilitated by Philip Curtis, who has been a part of the Music and Dementia development group since the piloting of the training took place. This staff training event will provide an opportunity for the teachers to get acquainted with the ideas and methods behind this module, introducing the possibility of starting up similar courses in the partner institutions.
The workshop will be held in collaboration with the National University Hospital of Iceland and the Association of Supporters and Relatives of Dementia patients in Iceland. The event will include workshops with teachers and students, an open lecture by Philip Curtis, creative music workshops with dementia patients in the daycare centre Fríðuhús, as well as discussions and reflections on curriculum in the partner institutions.