
NAIP European Master of Music

New Audiences & Innovative Practice


The Music Master for New Audiences and Innovative Practice (NAIP) provides future professional musicians with the knowledge and skills to become artistically flexible practitioners able to adjust to a wide range of societal contexts. The programme is targeting students with high-level performance skills interested in reaching new audiences by learning to develop and lead creative projects in diverse artistic, community and cross-sectoral settings. As a result, they will develop their leadership skills and collaborative practice in a variety of artistic and social contexts.

The Master is a collaborative programme offered by several higher music education institutions from countries in Europe. Students apply to one of the participating institutions as their host institution, which will also award the degree. They can choose to take a part of their studies at one of the other institutions, or by other means of exchange as agreed by the programme, depending on their need and field of practice. The Master has received funding from the European Union for its development. The NAIP programme is offered at Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, Prince Claus Conservatoire in Groningen, and Iceland Academy of the Arts in Reykjavik.